DataSox- Air Dispersion for Data Centers

Texas Air Products

DuctSox develops DataSox, the first directionally adjustable air displacement system for the data center industry. The air displacement portion of the DataSox introduces large volumes of air within the cold aisle at low velocities and provides the adjustability for targeting higher wattage servers. Minimal hot air entrainment is achieved, eliminating or reducing the need for physical containment structures. This system lowers construction costs and provides better PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) ratings.

Data centers of today consume high levels of power to maintain an optimal level of performance. Many factors contribute to the overall usage of this power, but one of the most significant components is conditioning the equipment space.

DataSox solves these critical challenges:

  • Targeted Air Dispersion
  • Temperature Consistency
  • Air Containment

DataSox provides the following features and benefits:​

  • Special anti-static fabric
  • Customizable design to fit specific needs
  • Adjustable nozzles for direct air placement
  • Adapts to changes in rack configurations
  • Larger volumes of air
  • Reduced velocities, less noise, less spillage
  • Consistent temperature profiles
  • Increase service life of the equipment
  • Reduced material cost, 50% compared to metal
  • Reduced installed cost, 75% compared to metal
  • Lightweight construction, ideal for retrofits
  • No painting or balancing required